Our Funds

BLUE SGR is an Alternative Asset Manager, specialising in real estate and credit investment funds. As of July 2023, it had Euro 2.2 billion in assets under management spread over 20 Funds and 1 SICAF.


Acheso Lagune Fund is a Closed-End Italian Real Estate Alternative Investment Fund reserved for professional investors, established on 5 July 2016. The Fund aims to maximise returns for the unitholder by investing in RCHs leased to high-standing operators. As of today, the Fund consists of 7 properties mainly used as Residential Care Homes (RCHs), located in Lombardy and Piedmont, with a total of about 1,100 beds.

Type Closed-End Real Estate Fund
Start 18/07/2016
Number of Assets 7
Main use RSA
Duration The Fund will expire on 31 December 2031
BLUE SGR -Fondo Acheso Lagune


Acheso Lagune 2 Fund is a Closed-End Italian Real Estate Alternative Investment Fund reserved for professional investors, established on 30 May 2018. The Fund aims to maximise returns for the unitholder by investing in RCHs leased to high-standing operators. As of today, the Fund consists of 1 property mainly used as a Residential Care Home (RCH), located in Veneto, with a total of 185 beds.

Type Closed-End Real Estate Fund
Start 06/11/2018
Number of Assets  1
Main use RSA
Duration The Fund will expire on 31 December 2033
BLUE SGR -Fondo Acheso Lagune 2


Alba Fund is a Closed-End Italian Real Estate Alternative Investment Fund reserved for professional investors, established on 26 October 2017. The Fund’s objective is the disposal and valorisation of real estate assets. To date, the Fund consists of 39 mixed-use properties, mainly for residential/commercial/production use, located in the regions of Calabria, Lombardy, Marche, Tuscany, Piedmont, Sardinia, Sicily, Trentino and Umbria.

Type FClosed-End Real Estate Fund 
Start  01/03/2018
Number of Assets 39
Main use Residential/commercial/craftwork
Duration The Fund will expire on 31 December 2026
BLUE SGR - Fondo Alba


Alba 2 Fund is a Closed-End Italian Real Estate Alternative Investment Fund reserved for professional investors, established on 28 March 2019. The Fund’s objective is to invest its capital resources in real estate securing impaired loans and in NPLs/UTPs with underlying real estate, for subsequent valorisation activities to be implemented also through development operations aimed at fractional sales. To date, the Fund consists of 22 mixed-use mainly residential/production properties located in Lombardy, Marche, Apulia, Sardinia and Tuscany.

TypeClosed-End Real Estate Fund 
Number of Assets 22
Main useResidential/commercial/production/service
DurationThe Fund will expire on 31 December 2027
BLUE SGR - Fondo Alba 2


Alba Trading Fund is a Closed-End Italian Real Estate Alternative Investment Fund reserved for professional investors, established on 28 March 2019. The Fund’s objective is to invest its capital resources in real estate securing impaired loans and in NPLs/UTPs with underlying real estate, for subsequent valorisation activities and fractional sales. To date, the Fund consists of 10 mainly residential/production properties located in the regions of Marche and Tuscany.

Type Closed-End Real Estate Fund
Start of operations 07/03/2018
Number of Assets  33
Main use Residential/commercial/craftwork
Duration The Fund will expire on 31 December 2026
BLUE SGR - Fondo Alba Trading


Alba Trading Fund is a Closed-End Italian Real Estate Alternative Investment Fund reserved for professional investors, established on 28 March 2019. The Fund’s objective is to invest its capital resources in real estate securing impaired loans and in NPLs/UTPs with underlying real estate, for subsequent valorisation activities and fractional sales. To date, the Fund consists of 10 mainly residential/production properties located in the regions of Marche and Tuscany.

Type Closed-End Real Estate Fund
Start 27/09/2019
Number of Assets  10
Main use Residential/commercial
Duration The Fund will expire on 31 December 2027
BLUE SGR - Fondo Alba 2 Trading


Alma LMB Italia Fund is a Closed-End Italian Real Estate Alternative Investment Fund reserved for professional investors, established on 9 June 2020. The Fund aims to invest its capital resources in retail properties with a Core profile located in Italy.

Type Closed-End Real Estate Fund
Start 09/09/2020
Number of Assets  11
Main use Commercial
Duration 31 December 2045


Chirone Fund is a Closed-End Italian Real Estate Alternative Investment Fund reserved for professional investors, established following the merger of the Athena and Moro Real Estate Funds at the end of 2013.

The Fund’s objective is to invest in mainly income-producing real estate as well as the valorisation of real estate assets.

Type Closed-End Real Estate Fund
Start 15/11/2013
Number of Assets 34 + 2 controlling interests in real estate
Main use Commercial/Office/Residential
Duration The Fund will expire on 31 December 2040

To date, the Fund consists of 34 mainly commercial properties.

BlueSGR - Fondo Chirone


Cives Fund is a Closed-End Italian Real Estate Alternative Investment Fund reserved for professional investors, established on 4 June 2014.

The Fund aims to invest its capital resources in operations pursuing a social purpose.
To date, the Fund consists of 17 properties located in the Marche region. In terms of investment, 60% is residential and 40% is invested in Social Welfare Residences.

Type Closed-End Real Estate Fund 
AvvStart io  18/03/2015
Number of Assets 17
Main use Social housing/RCHs
Duration The Fund will expire on 31 December 2041
BlueSGR - Fondo Cives


Dante Retail Fund is a Closed-End Italian Real Estate Alternative Investment Fund reserved for professional investors, established on 3 December 2004. The Fund’s objective is to invest its capital resources in real estate primarily for retail use with a Core Plus profile. To date, the Fund consists of 19 commercial properties throughout Italy.

Type Closed-End Real Estate Fund
Start 26/07/2005
Number of Assets 19
Main use Commercial
Duration The Fund will expire on 31 December 20255
BLUE SGR - Fondo Dante


Emilia Fund is a Closed-End Italian Real Estate Alternative Investment Fund reserved for professional investors, established on 28 April 2010.

The Fund’s objective is to invest the capital raised, creating value through proper management and subsequently divesting the investments made.

To date, the Fund consists of the “Montedoro Shopping Centre” near Trieste.

Type Closed-End Real Estate Fund 
Start 15/11/2010
Number of Assets 1 + 1 controlling interest in real estate
Main use Commercial
Duration The Fund will expire on 31 December 2029
BlueSGR - Fondo Emilia


Flaminia Fund is a Multi-Compartment Closed-End Italian Real Estate Alternative Investment Fund, reserved for professional investors, established in 2009. The Fund’s objective is to dispose of the real estate assets contributed over time by the unitholder. The Fund recently underwent an extraordinary merger by incorporation of the Focus Fund. To date, therefore, the Fund consists of 29 mainly residential properties with low profitability.

Type Closed-End Real Estate Fund 
Type 21/12/2009
Number of Assets  29
Main use Residential
Duration The Fund will expire on 21 December 2039
BLUE SGR - Fondo Flaminia - Investimento immobiliare chiuso prevalentemente residenziale


Flaminia Core Fund is a Multi-Compartment Closed-End Italian Real Estate Alternative Investment Fund, reserved for professional investors, established in 2017. The Fund’s objective is to maximise the returns for the unitholder by investing in trophy assets in prime locations and with high-standing tenants.

Type Closed-End Real Estate Fund
Start 30/11/2017
Number of Assets 8
Main use Service
Duration The Fund will expire on 21 December 2039
BLUE SGR - Fondo Flaminia Core


Iam Capital Italia 1 Fund is a Closed-End, Reserved Italian Real Estate Alternative Investment Fund established on 1 July 2021. The Fund will invest in income-producing properties to be redeveloped with a mainly residential use, broken down between flats to be rented out on a long-term or short-term basis in prime locations and, residually, office buildings to be repositioned on the market, focusing mainly on Milan and Rome with an investment target of Euro 100 million over the next 24 months.

Type Closed-End Real Estate Fund 
Start 07/07/2021
Number of Assets 4
Main use Residential/Service
Duration The Fund will expire on 31 December 2029


Lagune Pasithea Fund is a Closed-End Italian Real Estate Alternative Investment Fund reserved for professional investors, established on 28 June 2016. The Fund aims to invest its capital resources in tourism-accommodation or RCH properties with a Core/Core+ profile located in Italy.

Type Closed-End Real Estate Fundo 
Start 28/06/2016
Number of Assets 6
Main use Tourism/Hospitality
Duration The Fund will expire in 2036
BLUE SGR Fondo Lagune Pasithea

LEOPARDI FUND in liquidation

Leopardi Fund is a Closed-End Real Estate Alternative Investment Fund reserved for professional investors, established on 11 December 2014.

The Fund’s objective is the disposal of underlying assets.

To date, the Fund is in liquidation and consists of 2 properties and 2 controlling investees.

Type Closed-End Real Estate Fund 
Start 23/12/2014
Number of Assets 2 + 2 controlling interests
Main use Office
Duration The Fund will expire on 31 December 2025
BlueSGR - Fondo Leopardi in liquidazione

Logistic Opportunities Fund Italy FUND

LOFI Fund is a Closed-End Italian Real Estate Alternative Investment Fund reserved for professional investors, established on 26 May 2021.

The Fund’s objective is to invest its capital resources in income-producing or to be developed logistics properties with a Core+ profile in Italy.

Type Closed-End Reserved Real Estate Alternative Investment Fund
Start 22/10/2021
Number of Assets 2
Main use Logistics
Duration 31/12/3031
BlueSGR - Fondi investimento - Logistic Opportunities Fund Italy - LOFI


MoLeCoLa Fund is a Closed-End Italian Real Estate Alternative Investment Fund reserved for professional investors, established on 24 November 2021.

The Fund’s objective is to invest its capital resources in areas to be redeveloped for primarily residential, logistics and office use with a Value Add profile in Italy.

Type Closed-End Reserved Real Estate Alternative Investment Fund
Start 28/12/2021
Number of Assets N.A.
Main use Student Housing, Residential, Retail, Office, Co-Working
Duration 8 years from the closing dat
BlueSGR - Fondo MoLeCoLa


Urban Mile Fund is a Closed-End Italian Real Estate Alternative Investment Fund reserved for professional investors, established on 14 December 2021.

The Fund’s objective is to invest its capital resources in areas to be redeveloped for primarily logistics/industrial use with a Value Add profile in Italy.

Type Closed-End Real Estate Fund
Start 25/02/2022
Number of Assets 1
Main use Logistics
Duration The Fund will expire in 2039
BlueSGR - Fondo Urban Mile
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